Fulfilling home ownership dreams since 1988
Fulfilling home ownership dreams since 1988
Fulfilling home ownership dreams since 1988
Fulfilling home ownership dreams since 1988
About DML Mortgage
DML Mortgage was founded by David M. Lichtman. He is a graduate of Michigan State University, Univer sidad de Denia and Universidad Extremadura, Spain. David began his mortgage career as a loan origi nator for Empbanque Capital Corporation in 1986. After working in Madrid, Spain for the Needham Harper Worldwide Advertising subsidiary, Carvis/Needham, and becoming fluent in Spanish which enric hed his career, Mr. Lichtman grew his business at DML Mortgage in the NY, NJ, CT Tri-State area to close approximately a billion dollars in mortgage loans.
With over 10,000 loans closed, DML Mortgage has assisted many people in achieving their dream...
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